Komutlar Listesi


Kullanım Amacı

Since our Youtube Music System is Ad-Free, we don't want to harm Youtube's bread. That's why the Music System has been removed. If a Music Brand that provides Royalty Free API supports it, we will gladly add it back..


🙍‍♂️ Words but Ascii Type


🙍‍♂️ Bot Help Command List!


🙍‍♂️ Show Avatar.


🙍‍♂️ Shows the Time You Spent on Voice.


🙍‍♂️ Very Soon Commands And Systems!


🙍‍♂️ You See Rank.


🙍‍♂️ My Website!


🎵 Enter Song to Play Song. (only Youtube)


🦺 Bot Language Set. / Botun Dilini Ayarlayın.


🦺 Ban the person you specified.


🦺 Draw Create and Start.


🦺 I will remove the specified user from the server.


🦺 Channel Lock!


🦺 Delete All Messages!


🦺 It Reacts to Every Message Sent to the Channel You Specify.


🦺 Poll Channel Delete.


🦺 Starts Voting on Your Channel or the Channel You Specify.


🦺 Self Channel Kit Create!


🦺 Rank Settings.


🦺 Rank Setup Channel.


🦺 Stop/Close Rank System. (Administrator)


🦺 Applies a Specific Time (sec) Timeout to the Person You Mention


🦺 Open the person you specify ban.


🦺 Channel UNLock!


📜 Set Guild Channel Create Log.


📜 Set Guild Channel Delete Log.


📜 Set Guild Channel Update Log.


📜 Delete Guild Auto Welcome Message.


📜 Set Guild Auto Goodbye Message.


📜 Set Guild Auto Message Delete Log.


📜 Set Guild Auto Message Edit Log.


📜 Set Guild Auto Role.


📜 Set Guild User Ban/Unban Log.


📜 Set User Updates Log.


📜 Set Guild Channel Connecter Log.


📜 Set Guild Auto Welcome Message.


[Beta] Youtube Subscribe for Notification. (username:'<@username> @everyone' channel:'#channel')


[Beta] Youtube UNSubscribe.


💵 Economy System Administrator Command.


💵 Shows the Item Market.


💵 You Send Money to the User You Specify.


💵 Your See Money.


🎮 Bom Game Setup.


🎮 (ONLY-TR) Kelime Oyunu Kur.


🎮 Number Game Setup.


🦺 Text-To-Speech Channel.


🦺 Ticket Channel.


🦺 Ticket Delete Channel.